Sunday 15 May 2011

Malaysian Street 2

            Few months ago, I went to Gaya Street that located at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah with my family. I went there during the Christmas day. The Gaya Street fair is on every Sunday. The time is from 630am to 1pm. However, the Christmas carnival starts at 7pm. The Gaya Street is also one of the tourist attractions. Many of the tourist went there to get their stuff from the stalls at Gaya Street.

          Gaya Street is also known as Bond Street. Every Sunday morning, a part of Gaya Street is closed for the fair. The car can't drive on that street. You can buy batik, flowers, fruits, craft, shoes, antiques, foods, herbs, toys, souvenirs and even pets with a low price at Gaya Street. Many of the local enjoy family outing to the Gaya Street fair. You can get there by taking public transport too.

         I went to Gaya Street with my family early in the morning at 7am. We went out from my grandparents house at 630am. We bought some cakes from the stalls that selling cakes as our breakfast. We walk around and found a stall that are selling plastic Chinese toys. We bought some toys and bring back and gave to my younger cousins. Besides that, we also bought some plants for my grandparents from the plants stall.   

         Gaya Street is a very clean street. You will feel very comfortable walking along the whole street under the big trees. We walked around the whole street for about 2 hours and went back to grandparents house by 9am. My relatives told us that are a Christmas carnival at night. They all planed to go there. The carnival starts at 7pm. We went out from my grandparents house around 630pm.

         The traffic started to jam at 7.30pm. More cars and people coming.Many of stalls along the whole street as the morning time. We watched a great performance of traditional instruments orchestra. Besides that, we also bought some drinks. Me and my cousins did the face art. I drew a cute hello kitty on my face. After the fireworks section, we went back to grandparents home happily. We have a great day at Gaya Street.

Malaysian Street 1

       I didn't go to Petaling Street, the Chinatown at Kuala Lumpur for a few years already. However, I still remember everything about the street clearly. The stalls on the street open for the whole day but there are very crowded especially at night time and during the Chinese new year. The last time I went there is when I was 15 years old. About 3 years i didn't been there already. If you go to Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Street is the place that you can't missed to go. Many tourist visit to Petaling Street while they travel to Kuala Lumpur. Petaling street is one of the tourist attractions.

       Petaling Street is a flea market.At the Petaling Street, you can buy the things that you want with a low price. What ever you want also can found at the Petaling Street. Such as, watches, cloths, belts, wallets and handbags. Even illegal CD and DVD you also can found it from the street. Pirated branded bags, wallets, belts and watches are available at the stalls. Such as LV, Gucci, Prada and Rolex. You can also found fashionable clothing there selling with a very low price. If you don't satisfy with the price they gave, you still can negotiate the price with the seller.

      Besides than watches, cloths, belts, wallets and handbags, you can also found accessories, sunglasses souvenirs from the stalls at Petaling Street. Accessories such as necklace, ring and hair stuff are available at the stalls at Pelating Street. Stuff like UV protection sunglasses also you can get from there. Most of the tourist went to Petaling Street to buy the souvenirs that are from Malaysia. Such as batik and others Malaysia's trade mark souvenirs. All those stuffs are selling with a very low price compared with those selling at the shopping center. So, most of the local also prefer to buy things from Petaling Street.

      Moreover, there are a lot of delicious food and nice drinks available at Petaling Street. Many of food stalls and restaurants that are selling all different food at there. A lot choices of good food that you can't finish all in a day. For an example, the Chinese beef noodle stall that are located at a small street among the Petaling Street. The Chinese beef noddle stall is not so obvious. So most of their customers are from local. The Chinese beef noodle smells good till can attract many of customers. It looks simple, but you really can't imagine that how come such a simple beef noodles can be published in newspaper? Don't need to describe more, once you tried it then you will know the reason. Many of their far customers purposely go eat their beef noodle.
        Lastly,  there are some Chinese dessert stall located at Petaling Street too. Such as liquid form dessert that are made from red bean, green bean,black glutinous rice, Fuzhu and sesame. You will enjoy the sweetness spread on your taste bud when u having the dessert. Beside that, the dessert can also fulfill our thoughts of home. That is a kind of soul therapy for those people who missing their family and feels lonely in the city. These dessert are so ordinary for the Chinese but it is really hard to have it from our mother when we have to live alone out from our hometown.

Sunday 8 May 2011

A Touching Movie.

The most impressive movie that I have watched last year is Aftershock that directed by a famous China director, Feng Xiao Gang. The movie is about the Tang Shan earthquake that happened on 28th July 1976. That is a 7.8 rank earthquake. The earthquake causes death of about 240k people.  Besides that, the important point in the movie is about a family that separated by the earthquake. This is a touching movie.

             The story is about a family in Tang Shan. A truck driver, his wife and their twins daughter and son. Their daughter felt that they more love the son since young. Everything that left one they will give to their son first. However, they are still a warm and happy family.
One night, the truck driver went out with her wife. Their daughter and son slept at home. Suddenly they felt something weird. The earthquake started. The truck driver tried his best to run back to save their daughter and son out. But he failed and he was died in the in incident.Tang Shan has been destroyed. After the earthquake, the truck driver’s wife tried to find their daughter and son. Finally she found them. But they trapped under a big concrete block. The rescue team is trying to save them out. But they told her that she have to choose one only. Another one has to be sacrifice. Because of the position of the concrete block, if save anyone, the other side of the concrete block will collapse and the other one will die. Finally she chose to sacrifice her daughter. Her daughter heard that her mother chose to sacrifice her. She felt sad and hurt. She can’t image that her mother will said that.

                  Finally the son has been rescued. But in the end, her daughter survived. She rescued by a soldier. Few days later, a couple of army adopted her. And she changed her surname too. The army couple treated her in a very good way. Everything is well prepared for her. And she finally has her own room. Besides that, they also send her to continue her study at university. However, she still can’t forget the heart pain that her own mother chose to save out her brother. She couple with her classmate in her university. But her boyfriend leaved her when he knew that she pregnant. Her new mother died in the same time. She felt shame to face her new father so she leaved the city. She took care of her daughter alone. A few years later, she married with a Canadian. He is a lawyer. He doesn’t mind that she has a daughter. He treated her very good and treated her daughter as his own daughter. She decided to move to Canada with her husband. Before she leaved China, she went back to her house to inform her new father.

            She lived happily with her husband and daughter at Canada. Thirty two years later, she went back to China to join the rescue team for the 2008 Si Chuan earthquake. When she reached the disaster place, she put all her anger down. She finally understand that why her mother did so. She saw a mother trying to save her daughter out by cut her daughter’s both leg out. She felt how pain was the mother’s heart is. When she sat down and rest. She accidently heard a man that telling a story about how he go trough the 1976 Tang Shan earthquake. He lost his one side leg when he rescued by the rescue team. Besides that, he most guilty is he lost his twins sister to survived. She found that he is her twin brother. She followed her brother went back to meet her mother. She felt nervous. When she met her mother, both of them cried. She found that since they lost her, anything her mother bought for her brother, her mother also bought one for her and kept in a big box. They felt sorry to each other. Finally they get back together and she finally can forgive her mother after thirty two years. They all cried together. The ending was so touched.


Saturday 7 May 2011

All about me.

     I born in a very warm and complete family with father,mother and one elder brother. I live in a good condition environment. I have a maid in my house since i born. I am too dependent to my maid. I can't wake up by myself on time in the morning. I also don't even know how to cook until now i stay outside only i learn how to cook by myself. Everything is ready for me since I born to this world. I don't need to contribute anything to get anything from parents. But my parents believes me, they treated me as an adult. I can make good decision by myself. About my brother, we always argue with each other. But we cares about each other. Since now he study at Australia, we have less time to meet each other, so we seldom argue. We will talk much when we meet each other.

    The next thing I want to share is about my personality character. I am kind. I like to help the weak. I am very friendly and generous. I treated my family and friends in a very good way. I am a little bit lazy. But once I decided to do something, I will finish and complete it on time. Besides that, I am a very shy person. I don't dare to talk in front public. Maybe is because of my language is not good enough. I scare other people will laugh on me when I said something wrong. Sometimes I don't even know how to express what I am thinking about. But I like to try something new to me. I like to join some adventure activities and camps.

     Besides that, about my body image, I am baby fat, short but I satisfied with my height. My skin color is not dark and fair enough. Have pimples on my face and I think is because not enough sleep and not enough water I drink. I am trying to change my sleeping time to have a healthier life style. I have small eyes but I thank God that I have a perfect body. I don't have any physically disable.

     Moreover, I get many friends from primary and secondary school. But just one that i can believe to. I learned to be strong from them. Ignore those who attack us and Appreciate those who helps us. I live with my best friend now out from my warm house. The one that I trusted much. We stay at my auntie house. Have to learn to be more independent.Do everything by ourselves. But now I still need my friend to wake me up everyday. I will try to make it by myself one day.

     Lastly, is about my philosophy. For me, no one is 100% correct. Just do what good and suitable for yourself. Don't need other people to agree with you or do something same with what you did. Don't feel down if other people criticize on what you doing. Just do what you feel it is good and correct. Furthermore, no one will give you anything for free unless you work hard to get it.

That is all about me.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Animal Rights 2

        Nowadays, many cases of pet abuse that published in the newspaper. The number of cases increases day by day. Most of the pets that being abuse are dogs and cats. They have been treated cruelly by their heartless owner in many ways. Many of those pets owner are impulsive adopter. They impulsively adopts the cats or dogs. So, after they lost the interested to their pets, they just ignore them. Didn't give proper care and love to their pets.
        Millions of animals get killed every year in the house. There are some reasons that causes the death of these animals. Such as, eating unhealthy food, taking care by a unhealthy way and being physical abused by their owner.Many of them leave their pets at home and didn't give their pets any food before they going out.Some of the owner going out for few days even few weeks. Their pets suffer from starvation for few days or even for few weeks. Many pets die of starvation. They shouldn't just leave their pets at home like that. They should send their pets to pet shop or relative's house to ask them to take care of their pets for those days.
      The next thing is, some of the pets owner are having mentally stress or they even are psychopath. They unintentionally hurts their pets. Besides that, they also indirectly abuse their pets in certain ways. They used to released their stress on their pets by hurting them. They drown their pets into water, they poke their pets by a very sharp knife, they hang their pets by a rope and some even put their pets into the microwave and heat and dry up them. Some of the serious mentally problem owner even killed and cooked their pets to eat. These cruel actions happened everyday in the daily life. Those animals suffering in pain everyday. 

        Besides that, many pet shops like to sell puppy. It makes people don't want to adopt wild dogs. Many people just go and buy a new born and cute puppy. Those pity wild dog end up to be euthanasia. Dog euthanasia is also one of animal abuse. It causes many of innocent dogs suffer in pain death. Be responsible to your pets. Once you adopted a pets, you must make sure you can take good care  of them and can give love to them. If not, don't ever adopt a pet. You can also spay or neuter your pets to prevent from animal over population. It can also prevent more dogs from euthanasia. Don't buy a puppy from pet shop. It will also decrease the number of dog euthanasia. You can also adopt wild dog. Moreover, you should report if you found or suspect any animal abuse. Lastly, dogs are best friend of human being. They are most loyal animal. Cats are gentle and soft. So, we should not treat them in a cruel way. We should be responsible and protect them from being abuse. Protect their rights!

These pictures are from, and

Animal Rights 1

            Animal rights is to protect all the animals from being abused and utilized that are do anything that causes them suffer and pain. For an example, biology experiments that testing on animals, imprisonment of animals, hunting wild life animals and making cloths by animal’s fur. All these issues happen seriously every day at all around the world.

            The first issue that I want to talk about is hunting. Some of them hunt with license and some of them hunt without license, that are illegal hunting.  A large numbers of animals are killed by hunting in every year. Those hunters are giving reasons that they hunt for food, they hunting to control the population of animals and even some of them said that hunting is a part of the sports they joined. Those are all non-sense excuses. Animals don’t need human to balance their number of population. They can control the number of population themselves by prey and predator relationship in the nature. Those non responsible humans messed up the nature’s own balance by hunting in a large numbers of animals.

             The next issue that I want to talk is about the biology experiments that testing on animals. Millions of animals are killed in laboratories every year. The most animals that been killed are white rats, rabbits and frogs. The reason is most of them used white rats, rabbits and frogs to carry out those experiments. The examples of experiments are the draize eye irritancy test and acute toxicity tests. They will suffer from swollen eyelids, blindness convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis and bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth or rectum in long term of time and they even break their necks or backs when they are trying to escape from the pain that they suffer. Besides that, the results of these tests can’t even get an accurate result as on human. But they still keep on using animals to carry on those experiments.

              Moreover, animal fur is so beautiful until human being likes to use it to makes cloths. Especially rich lady. They love to wear coat that makes by animal fur. The animal that be killed to get the fur are fox. Besides that, leopard skin also very popular to use to makes cloths. Those heartless traders get benefit with animal suffering. When the animal is killed, the process is not painless and fast. The process is very pain. Their main target is the fur, so they have to kill the animal without damaging the fur with cruel way. The process included poison, neck breaking and peeling the skin just to make one coat.

              Lastly, I fully agreed to Mark Twain words. “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.” Human being is also one of animals. We have right to protected from cruel. Why animals don’t have that same right of protection?
Animal is also part of nature. So, animals should have rights too.

Here are some pictures from , and

Saturday 23 April 2011

Best Place To Go 2

     I wish to go to Taiwan since I was young.Maybe is because I like to watch Taiwan drama.And those Taiwan tv shows introduced so much about Taiwan.The things and food there are cheap.The scenery are good.The fashion there are updated.Much much more I knew from the tv show.Finally this year I got a chance to go to Taiwan with my lovely family.This trip we go during the Chinese new year too.My parents always busy in their business.So,during Chinese new year we only got a chance to go for travel.

     Felt so excited the day before going.

     We arrived Taiwan at 3pm.We straight away go to the hotel that my dad booked,Golden Palace Hotel.The hotel located in Taipei,nearby the Taipei Miramar shopping mall.We checked in and went into our room to have a rest first.Around 6pm,we went out to Miramar shopping mall to find a restaurant for our dinner.At last we went to a shabu-shabu restaurant to have our dinner.The food tasted so great and it is a buffet dinner.We can eat for many as we can. 

       The next day we went to the Taipei International Flora Expo.The flora expo is organized by the Taipei City Government in partnership with the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association.There are four major park,Yuanshan Park, Fine Arts Park, Xinsheng Park, and Dajia Riverside Park.Yuanshan Park area located in Taipei city.Yuanshan park is Taiwan’s first park ever established in 1897 .And it is also the first large-scaled metropolitan park in Taipei city.There are 5 pavilions and 2 exhibition areas at the Yuanshan park.Fine Arts park area located at northern Taipei City, opened in 1983.Taipei Fine Arts Museum now has more than 4000 pieces of art works.There are 4 exhibition venues and 2 newly built structures covering 12,000 square meters of land.Xinsheng park situated on Xinsheng North Road,is the second largest park in the Taipei city.There is the place that comfort and good to watch aeroplanes take off.Dajia Riverside park located in the midst of Taipei.There has become one of the most important facilities in the project to straighten the river and solve the problem of Keelung River overflowing.

         The next place that recommended by me is the Taipei 101 that known as the Taipei World Financial Center,is a landmark skycraper located in Xinyi District,Taipei.The building is the world's tallest from 2004 until 2010.Taipei 101 features an Indoor Observatory(89th floor) and an Outdoor Observatory (91st floor).Both offer 360-degree views and attracted many visitors from all around the world.Because of the heavy wind,the outdoor observatory was closed for the safety.So,we just went for the indoor observatory at 89th floor.But the view is nice enough too.A shopping mall adjoining with Taipei 101 too.The tower have more than hundreds of fashion stores, restaurants and clubs.

                                                   These are the picture of the Taipei 101.

                                                                The balance ball.

         Another great thing is the Maokong Gondola.Maokong is located in the southwest of Getou Mountain in Wenshan District of Taipei outskirts.The Maokong Gondola is a four kilometre cable car system in the mountains south of Taipei. It runs between the Taipei Zoo and Maokong with intermediate stops at the zoo and Zhinan Temple.We bought the crystal cabin ticket,also called the eyes of Maokong gondola.The cafe at Maokong also not bad.The decoration of the cafe was very nice.The Maokong tea also very famous.

        Lastly,I want to share about the night market in Taipei.The famous one is Shilin night market and Liuhe night market in Kaohsiung.Shilin Night Market is Taipei’s largest and famous night market in Shilin nearby the MRT Jiantan Station.It's very convenient even u go by MRT.Shilin night market is not the only papular night market.The Liuhe night market also very popular.It is a tourism night market in Kaohsiung.They are famous with their various choices of food and multiple stalls like clothing and accessories.

The End.