Saturday 30 April 2011

Animal Rights 2

        Nowadays, many cases of pet abuse that published in the newspaper. The number of cases increases day by day. Most of the pets that being abuse are dogs and cats. They have been treated cruelly by their heartless owner in many ways. Many of those pets owner are impulsive adopter. They impulsively adopts the cats or dogs. So, after they lost the interested to their pets, they just ignore them. Didn't give proper care and love to their pets.
        Millions of animals get killed every year in the house. There are some reasons that causes the death of these animals. Such as, eating unhealthy food, taking care by a unhealthy way and being physical abused by their owner.Many of them leave their pets at home and didn't give their pets any food before they going out.Some of the owner going out for few days even few weeks. Their pets suffer from starvation for few days or even for few weeks. Many pets die of starvation. They shouldn't just leave their pets at home like that. They should send their pets to pet shop or relative's house to ask them to take care of their pets for those days.
      The next thing is, some of the pets owner are having mentally stress or they even are psychopath. They unintentionally hurts their pets. Besides that, they also indirectly abuse their pets in certain ways. They used to released their stress on their pets by hurting them. They drown their pets into water, they poke their pets by a very sharp knife, they hang their pets by a rope and some even put their pets into the microwave and heat and dry up them. Some of the serious mentally problem owner even killed and cooked their pets to eat. These cruel actions happened everyday in the daily life. Those animals suffering in pain everyday. 

        Besides that, many pet shops like to sell puppy. It makes people don't want to adopt wild dogs. Many people just go and buy a new born and cute puppy. Those pity wild dog end up to be euthanasia. Dog euthanasia is also one of animal abuse. It causes many of innocent dogs suffer in pain death. Be responsible to your pets. Once you adopted a pets, you must make sure you can take good care  of them and can give love to them. If not, don't ever adopt a pet. You can also spay or neuter your pets to prevent from animal over population. It can also prevent more dogs from euthanasia. Don't buy a puppy from pet shop. It will also decrease the number of dog euthanasia. You can also adopt wild dog. Moreover, you should report if you found or suspect any animal abuse. Lastly, dogs are best friend of human being. They are most loyal animal. Cats are gentle and soft. So, we should not treat them in a cruel way. We should be responsible and protect them from being abuse. Protect their rights!

These pictures are from, and

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