Saturday 23 April 2011

College life 2

   Lets share about my college life.We don't have tutorial class for the first week.So,4th April i don't need to wake up so early to go to college.Can sleep more.But Sin Dee have class on that day and she went out from house around 7am.5th April,my first day attending the class.I met my new friend,Janice that day thru Sin Dee's new friend,Evan.We went to class together.Still feel strange and shy with her.Soon,we met another new friend,Alyssa.That time she was late to class.She sat beside Janice.She was 1 year elder than us.Janice same age as me.We have our lunch at Old Town together during the break time.They are so nice and friendly.But I am so shy and didn't talk much with them.They keep talking and talking about their story.Three of us.

From left,Alyssa,me and Janice.

Here is the funny version.

     Thursday,7th April,the day of orientation party.Felt excited.Hope to meet more friends on the party.We went to college early in the morning for the morning class.After class we went to computer lab online to wait for the party time.The party started at 6pm.We went in around 6 something.After we get our food then find a seat and wait for the performances.The performance started with orchestra.The party then continued with dance performance and so on.Their performance was awesome.During the game session,we were asked to find the people who have same idol as us and grouped and make friends together.I am in the Bruno Mars group.Besides that,they also picked out some of us to go up to the stage to dance with them.Ya,I am the "lucky" one.Try my best to follow the steps but I can't did it.I learned hip-hop dance before,few years ago when I was form 1.Totally forget all the steps.And they want us to dance b-boy steps.I was like oh no,I really can't dance.But we all enjoy so much in the party.

We didn't take so much of pictures during the party.This is the only 1 picture we took.From left,me,Sin Dee,Xue Ying and Crystal.They are Sin Dee's classmate.

The picture of the stage.



  Lets talk about the lecturers now.The first lecturer we met in class is Mr.Edward Sim who teach us Introduction to Information Technology.A young man with fair skin.Not really understand about this subject.Anyway,I will try my best to catch it up.Coming on with the pretty one Ms.Ngim Mei Yee.She is a nice and pretty lecturer.She teach us College Study Skill.Still ok with this subject.The next one is Ms.Rosaline.She is quite strict but it's good to us anyway.Makes us concentrate on her class.No one dare to make noise.She teach us Fundamental in Management.How about Dr.Benedict?We all still never met him yet.Feel curious to this lecturer.Don't know anything about him.Hope that he is a nice lecturer too and hope to see him soon.Ya,finally,the last one,my favorite lecturer,Mz.Norzihan.She prefered us to call her Ms.Zee.The cute,nice and friendly one.The way she talk is quite funny.I like to go for her class.Wont feel bored and easy to understand what she said.She teach us Mass Communication and Creative Communication and Portfolio Development during the tutorial class.

       This is the third week I be in the college.I will slowly used to the college life I having now.Quite fun actually but it's really very tiring.Have to wake up 6 in the morning everyday to get ready to go college and back from college at 6pm everyday.Because of my room-mate timetable and she is the one who fetch me go and back from college so i have to follow her time too.Spends 12 hours in college,7 hours sleeping time and left 5 hours per day only to cooking.washing cloths,take bathe and do the assignment as well.I feel like not enough time to use.Have to manage the time in a better way.

Lastly I wanna say about is,work hard,play hard.

Here some random pictures that we captured.

Me n Janice

                                                      We look alike because of the fringe.Haha.
                                                     Baskin Robbin's Pink Day

                                                    During the Pink Day.
                                           We are just trying the web cam camera.In our room.
                                           Our lovely lecturer.
                                                     Alyssa with me.
                                                        Three of us again.

Friendship forever.

The End.

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